As a part of my Sports career 2 module, I must obtain 120 hours of work placement to complete the module. I must find my own placement which I ideally want to find something that I will enjoy and be worth my while and will gain experience from it and is something I want to do as a future career path for myself.

As a way to contact potential employee as I have put together a work pitch placement which is located on my website on my about page. This is to give the employer everything they need to know about me including my skills, past experience and what I’m interested in. 

This will give the employee an idea of what I can be of help to them and if I’m the right person to take on the responsibility and work that they could potentially give me. I have contacted Gareth Rogers who works for the FAW trust a place I have worked for before and is a place which I would like to see myself in the future working for and I gained valuable experiences from the last time I was there. I’m also looking for a news outlet to do written content for, to help get my content out there and help my written skills as I would say this is one of the skills that I am keen to improve.